петък, 13 ноември 2009 г.


USP stands for Unique Selling Point. It is what makes you and your business different from the competition.Why will customers buy from you and not someone else?

Will it be because you offer:
◆ better service;
◆ greater convenience;
◆ faster delivery service;
◆ a better after-sales service;
◆ a wider range of products;
◆ car parking;
◆ child-care facilities;
◆ or has your product got a story to it?

Small shops can compete with the big boys because of their uniqueness and diversity. Independent stereo and television shops sell the same products as the likes of Dixons and Comet, but by offering a delivery or installation service they will be particularly attractive to the shopper who does not have a car or is technologically challenged. That is the story that will attract the older shopper.

I had been selling combat trousers for two years before they started appearing in
shops like Marks & Spencer or even New Look. Once they were on the High Street
combat trousers quickly became over-trendy and largely died out as a fashion item.
Incidentally, I bought only combats from that supplier, until they suddenly brought
out a range of Tommy Hilfigger fleece tops. These proved to be tremendously
popular for a few months and then that trend died completely. I would never have
become involved with selling them had it not been for the combats.